Author: FrlWebAdmin

Winter Book Sale Results


Winter Book Sale Results

February 2 & 3, 2018

Proceeds benefit the Redwood Libraries

The winter sale results from 2017 are also shown for comparison.
Thank you to everyone who made the sale happen.
         January 2017                                                February 2018
Books, etc.     $1724.25                              Books, etc.    $1780.67
Jam                 $25.00                                    Jam                 $55
Total Sales    $1749.25                               Total Sales     $1835.67
Donations     $56.62                                    Donations      $124.71
Membership  $318.00                                 Membership  $284
Grand Total   $2123.87                               Grand Total  $2244.38

Gifts to the Library

During the quarter ending December 31st, 2017, the Friends provided a total of $10,940 to the Library. $9,989 of this was for the purchase of books and other materials. In addition, we provided $635 for movie licensing fees to support the Based on the Book film series and $336 to the Library’s Hospitality Fund, which is used for professional and technical staff meetings. This brings our total gifts for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2017 to $15,241. Funds for these gifts come from book store and internet sales and from the proceeds from our regular book sales; from membership dues above the basic level; and from donations, including memorial donations; and from the sale of the 2018 Children’s Art Calendar. Thanks to all of our supporters for making these gifts possible. 

Serendipity reaches $500,000 in sales!

Frances with booksFRL’s Serendipity Book Store has achieved $500,000 in sales! The Friends of the Redwood Libraries wish to thank our wonderful customers, members, volunteers, our generous community and the library for supporting the bookstore. Serendipity Book Store is located on the second floor of the Eureka branch library at 1313 Third St., Eureka, and is open during library hours, closing 30 minutes before the library closes.

Serendipity was founded in October, 1999, by the Friends under the guidance of treasured volunteer Frances Rapin and is staffed with a dedicated team of volunteers. New titles are added frequently, so stock is never predictable and always interesting. Check our Serendipity page for more information on hours and our donation policies.

The Friends’ mission is to support the Humboldt County Library system. Money generated by store sales supports book purchases, the biennial Authors Festival, and enrichment programs for children in the community. Please consider a volunteer position with the Friends of the Redwood Libraries!


2015 Annual Meeting

You are invited to attend the Annual Meeting of the Friends of the Redwood Libraries!
SATURDAY, JUNE 13, 1:30 – 3:30

Elections will be held and Victor Zazueta, Library Director, will give us an update on “the State of the Library”.

Ray King is completing his tenure as President of FRL. Come and support Ray as he continues his service to the Library with his time and talent. Thank you, Ray!

Volkswagon photoThe title of Marilyn Tucker’s talk is, “Four Months in a Little Red Box”, or “Don’t Throw away your old colored slides”. Turn those dusty, deteriorating bits of forgotten adventures into family treasures!

As always, there will be great door prizes! And…refreshments will be served.

Community Service Award 2014


Whenever the need arises to solve a problem or get a design idea for our printing projects we go to Terry, Lynette and Terri at The Central Office—the Copy Center, in Eureka, and we are never disappointed.

Terry Davis and Lynette Worthington have run of The Central Office for over 27 years. Terry and Lynette bought the office 14 years ago, and Terri Vanderhoff has been part of the team for all of those years.

While we at the Friends of the Redwood Libraries like to think we are “the favored ones”, we also know that these fabulous women are there to help all local organizations and businesses with their printing, be it brochures, newsletters, calendars (yes, our Children’s Art Calendar), and all printing projects.

We are proud and happy to present the FRL Community Service Award to The Women of Central Office—The Copy Center.

Central Office Employees

THANK YOU: Terry Davis and Lynette Worthington, Manager/Owners; and Terri Vanderhoff

Wondering what we’ve been up to lately?


Dear Friends:

The Library is in receipt of the following checks:

  1. $4,631.30 (profits from book sales, bookstore & internet revenues)
  2. $33.25 (Liberry preserves)
  3. $720 (2014 Children’s Art Calendar
  4. $500 Blue-ray attachment for buffing machine
  5. $5,935.46 McNaughton Books (Eureka FY 2014-15)


Per your request, your donations of $4,934.55 will be used to purchase books for the library’s collection, $5935.46 will pay for the McNaughton Book Service and the remainder will be used to order the Blue-ray attachment. Once again, thank you for all your hard work and dedication to the library.

Victor Zazueta
Director of Library Services