February Book Sale Results

Thank you to everyone who made the FRL winter book sale a success:
The hard-working crew that takes in and sorts the books, the energetic volunteers that set-up and take down the meeting room and garage, the volunteers that man the sale, and the people who keep track of all the details that make a sale happen.

The FRL winter book sale not only featured a very large number of books, but free VHS tapes as well. Despite the threatening weather, people showed up and the sale was successful. Many of the customers that came for the VHS tapes, and left with boxes of them, also purchased books to add to their boxes.

February Book Sale Results
(And comparison with the winter 2018 results)

Books, etc. $2,032.50 (2018: 1,780.67
Jam 15.00 (2018: $ 55.00)

Total Sales $2,047.50 (2018: $1,835.67)

Total Donations $ 54.45 (2018: $124.71)
Total Membership $309.00 (2018: $284.00)

Grand Total $2,410.95
The 2018 winter book sale total was $2,244.38.